Permanently Yours
Home of the "Air Perm"

What is an Air Perm?

Air perms are a very gentle method of curling hair, instead of harsh chemicals, oxygen in the air is used to gently neutralize your perm overnight. Permanently Yours did not invent Air Perms; but we have been a leader in developing Air Perm techniques. Over the years we have created our own exclusive procedures and formulas that ensures healthier hair and excellent results. Jeri Redding, Leader of many hair products, including Redken and Nexxus, states in his book, "those who are willing to go through the discomfort of wearing the rollers overnight, will have the most beautiful perm possible.

How do Perms work?

Hair is wound on rollers and the first chemical is applied which breaks down the structure of the hair on the molecular level.

Neutralizer is applied which forces the hair to realign itself very quickly to the form of the rollers (curls).

How is an Air Perm different?

Because an air perm slowly neutralizes overnight, special conditioners are applied to the hair that can be absorbed and actually improve the hair during the perm process.

When the molecules are allowed to slowly neutralize there is a more permanent bond so the perm holds better and the condition of the hair is better than any other type of perm. The result is beautiful, soft curls.

Does all hair need an Air Perm?
If your hair is short with no chemical services on it, you can have a reg. perm successfully. Air Perms are recommended for long hair and colored treated hair, and children, or people who take a lot of medication , or if your perms have a hard time holding a curl, this hair you want to give special care.

What if I just want a body wave?
Body waves have to do with the size of rollers, The Air Perm method keeps the hair healthy and the wave beautiful during the perm process.

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